The Most Influential Green Living Bloggers for 2015

Who and Why
The following green living bloggers are those whom The PlushBeds Family considers to be the most influential in the green living space for the year coming year 2015. Among the factors that were taken into consideration when choosing these individuals and groups as the most influential were the following: their merits as a blogger and the type of useful content they share that can be acted upon for the betterment of individuals and society as a whole, the interaction between themselves and their audience, the regularity of which they post fresh new content on their blogs to keep their readers up to date and continually inspired, the depth and breadth of their social network followings, their accomplishments and other notable pursuits offline, and the social and ethical causes and principles they promote.
Use Them as Resources (Over and Over Again)
We hope that this will become your Go-to-Green-Guide when looking for answers to green living questions (bookmark it for future reference), because if there’s one thing we’re sure of, the knowledge and wisdom of the following top green living influencers is deep, very deep. Use these folks’ blogs as your ready reference whenever you’re seeking answers to questions about the environment, lowering your carbon footprint, recycling, upcycling, and reusing, natural parenting (natural pregnancy and birthing, baby wearing, co-sleeping, cloth diapers, and breastfeeding), natural health and natural medicine, whole foods, organic products, healthy recipes, homesteading, DIY, all things homemade, eco-travel, green design and décor, eco-fashion, climate change, green energy, green building, gardening (out in the sticks or urban) green politics, and just generally all things eco-friendly and for more wholesome living.
With no further ado, let us introduce to you these wonderful green bloggers and what they are doing within their spheres of influence to make a difference in the world. They are all so very unique (with personalities that ooze coolness), with such fantastic contributions!
Mindful Momma: Adventures in Living a Green & Healthy Life
Mindful Momma is run by Micaela Preston. Micaela is humble yet passionate about sharing her zest and zeal for not only the environment, but also healthier foods, eco crafts, and homemade and handmade items, all while finding true joy throughout the process. Micaela is a loving mother to two wonderfully imaginative boys, and has a husband who enjoys making kefir. Besides blogging, Micaela has also authored a book, Practically Green: Your Guide to Ecofriendly Decision-Making. It can be purchased on and at Barnes & Noble. In her book, Micaela narrows down and simplifies the process and journey of: making smarter and greener choices for your family, helping you to shop for healthier, more sustainable products in today’s marketplace, providing you with dozens of DIY projects and ideas, and giving you lots of scrumptious healthy recipes and snack ideas! As if all of this wasn’t enough, Micaela is also a fantastic brand advocate of products she believes in. She has an MBA in marketing, so if your product or service is eco-friendly, she’s the woman to turn to for engaging new customers with your brand.
Besides her blog, Mindful Momma, you can also follow Micaela on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Instagram, and Pinterest.
The Holistic Mama: Natural Living Made Simple
Roxanne King is the blogger powering The Holistic Mama. Roxanne and her family follow a gluten-free and low dairy diet, and she is a fabulous cook, sharing tons of great recipes on her blog! In fact, you can also download a free recipe book in eBook format right from the homepage of The Holistic Mama website by providing your email address. It’s filled with about 27 different delectable delights. It has everything from main dishes to soups and salads to healthy snacks and deserts. You can tell she keeps her family well-nourished! It is also quite evident from her blog that Roxanne is concerned with skin and body care products and making sure people are aware of what is in them and are making healthier selections when buying these types of products (or simply making them yourself). Roxanne has also published her own skin care eBook that can also be sourced from her site’s homepage. A very ambitious woman, Roxanne has the credentials to back her up, receiving a Bachelor’s degree from Syracuse University and then going on to earn a degree in holistic health from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in New York. If you need health coaching or classes, Roxanne also offers these as well.
Beyond the blogosphere, you can follow Roxanne on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and LinkedIn.
Green Living Guy: Green Living, Green Living Expert, Green Living News, Green Guru Guides
Seth Leitman is the Green Living Guy. In going green, Seth’s motto is “One small step at a time.” Seth is quite approachable, and never makes anyone feel inferior for not knowing as much as they would like to about green living. Seth is an Energy Efficiency Consultant among many other things, helping individuals, companies, and even government entities to get LEED certified and transition to alternative energies as much as possible. Oh, and another thing, Seth is a bestselling author! And get this – among the several books he has published, one of them is about building your own electric vehicle (Build Your Own Electric Vehicle, available on! If you couldn’t tell by reading Seth’s blog, his primary focus is green energy. He really is an expert, and he’s very down-to-earth and personable at the same time.
You can also find Seth on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Google+.
Eco Chick: Because Mother Earth is a Woman
Starre Vartan is the fashionista “chick” that heads up Eco Chick, though Starre’s blog is not just about eco-fashion. That is only one aspect of her blog. As with many eco-friendly individuals, Starre is multi-faceted and multi-talented. Her blog also covers many important issues regarding social causes and responsibility, along with news, eco-travel, upcycling and creative arts, climate change, animals and wildlife, eco-health and beauty, and eating organic and vegan. Starre is an accomplished writer, and you can find some of her contributions in Scientific American, Eco Salon, The Huffington Post, Mother Nature Network, New York Magazine, Inhabitat, Metropolis, Audubon Magazine, Whole Living, Elle, Plenty, and E/The Environmental Magazine. Starre has written and had published a book called The Eco Chick Guide to Life: How to be Fabulously Green. In her book she covers shopping for vintage and recycled jewelry, wearing “sustainable threads”, using organic personal care products, and much, much more. Finally, Starre also teaches blogging as a business and building your business in a mission-based direction.
You can find Starre on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+, and YouTube.
Groovy Green Livin: Simple. Change. = Greener. Life.
Lori Popkewitz Alper’s blog Groovy Green Livin is power-packed with purpose. In it you will find meaningful ways to start (or continue) to make a dent in some of the waste that goes on in our world. Lori’s blog also covers practical ways to keep healthy by carefully attending to both what goes into your body and what goes on it as well. She’s a very capable teacher – her blog is brimming with lots of wonderful how-to’s – giving you plenty of reason to feel comfortable that you too can accomplish your green living goals. Lori shows you how to live green and save money simultaneously! She is also a very talented speaker and presenter. Her work has been covered in many respected online publications and in print, and she has made multiple television appearances. As a former lawyer, Lori is well-versed in the power of persuasion, causing her to become a great asset to raising awareness and keeping the green movement going full steam ahead.
Lori can also be found on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+, Instagram, and YouTube.
The Pistachio Project: One Mom’s Journey of Living Green and Crunchy
Brittany Thomas is the “crunchy” mother behind The Pistachio Project. As a mother to four beautiful children (a gorgeous family!), Brittany’s green living journey was initially inspired by wanting the best for her firstborn and those to come. Brittany has evolved into an expert in her own right, as she’s learned while she’s taught and inspired others to live more conscientiously. Brittany loves to try new things and take on new projects, and she’s got plenty of neat things on her blog for you to try yourself. Besides DIY and providing instruction for greener homemade items, Brittany also vets the more wholesome personal care products offered in the marketplace, with some excellent recommendations for those seeking a healthier lifestyle. Additionally, Brittany discusses many important topics relating to natural parenting (natural pregnancy, breastfeeding, even homeschooling), keeping your home clean with natural cleaning alternatives, and offers a vast assortment of healthy and delicious recipes.
You’ll find some great shares by Brittany on the social networks Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+, and Instagram.
Big Green Purse
Diane MacEachern is the very driven and principled activist bringing you Big Green Purse. Big Green Purse is a blog upon which Diane’s sole focus is to help you make more socially responsible consumer purchasing decisions that protect you and your family. To that end, Diane reviews green products, weeds out the greenwashed products, offers practical green living tips, and weighs in on a wide variety of public policy issues. As they say, money makes the world go ‘round, and in recognition of this, Diane encourages all of us to make money talk by shifting our purchasing power to more sustainable alternatives that are easier on our bodies and the environment. As women are the main driver of household spending (having power of the purse – spending over 85 cents of every dollar in the marketplace), Diane focuses much of her attention and message on women. However, whether you have a purse or a pocketbook, Diane believes we can all make a difference. Diane is a best-selling author of four books. Her most recent, Big Green Purse: Use Your Spending Power to Create a Cleaner, Greener World that demonstrates how you can save over $5,000 a year by making simple shifts to go green. She’s also an engaging speaker, providing speeches and workshops to organizations, companies, and institutions. Diane’s work has been featured in a variety of reputable publications, and she’s received many awards and recognitions.
Other ways to follow and engage with Diane are on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+, and YouTube.
Green Steve: Be Seen to be Green
Steve Waller is the Londoner behind the blog Green Steve. Steve feels like he’s just an average, ordinary, everyday kind of person, and that what he’s doing, you can too. And what he’s doing is attempting to offset all of his carbon use to achieve a zero carbon footprint. On Green Steve, he documents his efforts to do so. Steve stays abreast of current events and environmental items of interest in the news, providing his own critique of them. He’s a bit of a philosopher, and uses good solid reasoning for his arguments to live greener, as well as sharing his input on what he would do if he were in charge. Steve’s also an entrepreneur, and by reading his blog you can tell he is a practical person, striking the right balance between environmental extremism and doing nothing at all. Above all, Steve is a likeable guy with a cheerful countenance and a blog that shares great thought-provoking, eco-friendly ideas.
Follow along with Steve on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+.
Green Grandma
Hana Haatainen Caye is the proud grandmother who brings you the Green Grandma BlogSpot. With many years of extremely valuable experience, Hana marries the wisdom of the past with present-day common sense to help younger generations (especially young parents) navigate through the choices of modern-day living as they commit to live greener and healthier lives. Hana’s blog got its start with the birth of her granddaughter, Laura, at which time she began to reflect more upon what legacy she and the rest of us could leave behind. Though in Hana’s words she is not necessarily a liberal “tree-hugger”, she does sincerely care about the environment. On Hana’s blog you will find her talented writing, her opinions, and her great sense of humor revolving mainly around issues of the environment and children’s health. One of the uniquenesses of Hana’s blog is her Supermom Birthing Series, where she and several other mothers share their personal natural birthing experiences. Hana is also the author of a book (Vinegar Fridays) about vinegar and its many practical applications for cleaning, for health, and for beauty. What’s more, multi-talented Hana is an amazing voice-over artist!
You’ll find Hana sharing some additional great tidbits of health-related and green information on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.
Jen and Joey Go Green
Jen and Joey Go Green is a green living blog by a couple living in Ontario, Canada. Written mostly by Jennifer McLaughlin, from time to time Joey chimes in with his perspective. Though he is not as green as his wife is, Joey really does a lot more sustainable living than he gives himself credit for (and a lot more than your average Joe ) and he does give his wonderful wife credit where credit is due for her influence on him. Jen and Joey don’t pretend to be what they’re not. What they are is a couple who is keeping it real, while being conscious of their everyday decisions and what those decisions will lead to down the road for the next generation. A really neat feature of Jen and Joey Go Green is a section on their blog that is called 101 in 1001, where Jen sets realistic and attainable goals (101 of them) and gives herself a realistic time frame to accomplish them in (1,001 days). On their blog, Jen also reviews a fair number of personal care and cleaning products for their gentleness on the environment as well as their ability to get the job done.
Get to know Jen on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Google+.
Green Talk: Whole Body • Healthy Home • Sustainable Garden
Anna Hackman is the editor and founder of Green Talk. While Green Talk sprouted in 2007, Anna has been living the green lifestyle since the ‘90’s. She blogs about everything from green living to green business to green building to organic gardening and green technology. Anna doesn’t just know a little about a lot of things, she knows a lot about a lot of things. She’s a former lawyer, and she’s helped build her own eco-friendly home! She does videos, podcasts, and is even a business consultant for greener business practices. Anna is an amazing organic gardener, and loves to spend time out in the garden. Another wonderful thing about Anna is that she really does interact with her readers, and considers her blog as a community of regular folks all learning together. Check out her blog, and you will see that she regularly answers questions from her engaged readers. Anna is also a co-founder of the Green Sisterhood, a group of 50 green bloggers helping green businesses extend their influence and reach in the marketplace.
You can further catch some of Anna’s great insights on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, and YouTube.
Natural Papa: Natural Parenting and Fatherhood from the Perspective of a Treehugging Dirt-Worshipper
Derek Markham is one of the few green living fathers in the blogosphere. While there are many crunchy mothers who blog, Derek’s perspective on natural parenting is unique. He is a great role model for fatherhood, a much-needed asset in our society. One of Derek’s really neat blog posts is titled 100 Ways to be a Better Father. Every father should check that out – these are some great tips! Another really interesting post on Derek’s blog covers his Tiny House Experiment, where he and his wife, his 4 year-old, and a couple of cats moved into a 120 sq. ft. camper and lived in it for 6 years – impressive! Go see how everything worked out for them. Derek has a section on his blog about home births from several different fathers’ perspectives (including his own), which is a really great read as well. And if you wondered if there were any recipes or food blog posts on Natural Papa, you won’t be disappointed. Derek covers some ground in that realm as well. Besides his blog, Derek also writes for
You can follow Derek in his social sphere of influence on Facebook and Twitter.
Accidentally Green: Making Healthy Decisions That Honor God and Happen to Help the Environment
Hilary Kimes Bernstein is the author of Accidentally Green. You may be wondering about the accidently part of Accidentally Green. It goes like this: Hilary began her journey quite by accident. The more she changed her life to be in harmony with God’s ways, and to benefit her health, the more she found that living a green lifestyle came as a natural consequence. So, although she became green by “accident”, she does it very purposefully now, and you can tell by her blog by the way she radiates (check out the video series on her blog – The Beginner’s Guide to Going Green) that it gives her great meaning. Although Hilary is pretty green, there are some things that she just will not do just to be seen as green. There’s a very entertaining category of her blog called I MAY BE GREEN, BUT I’M NOT THAT GREEN (great read on reusable toilet paper ). Hilary has written a book (Accidentally Green) detailing her journey, and divides it up into 6 different phases of her life. You’ll likely be able to identify with her, and she breaks things up into doable chunks – small greener changes you can feel confident in practicing yourself. Hilary has also written First Bites: How to Instill Healthy Eating Habits During Your Baby’s First Year, The Accidentally Green Guide to Cleaning Without Chemicals, and Repelled: Accidentally Green’s Guide to Mosquito Prevention.
Keep up with Hilary on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.
Kimberly Button is the amazing woman behind Get Green Be Well, a blog chock-full of great green product reviews and recommendations. And it’s such eye candy, too! Filled with vibrant, beautiful images, Kim really draws you in and makes you feel at home on her blog. With many of the products Kim reviews there is also an associated giveaway as well (so visit often and enter to win)! There’s also a really neat category on Kim’s blog called Buy This, Not That where Kim gives you the lowdown on what’s in some of the products on store shelves, and steers you towards shopping for the greener, cleaner products. Kim had a childhood riddled with health problems, and is now a stellar example of living toxin-free, with the good health to prove that it’s all worth it. Kim has all kinds of accolades, too. She’s the real deal. This is going to take up some space, but here goes : She’s written a book titled The Everything Guide to a Healthy Home and produced a travel app called Orlando Green Travel. Kim has also had her writings appear in places such as Martha Stewart’s Whole Living, National Geographic Traveler, American Airlines’ American Way, and Sierra. As well, she has been quoted by major news outlets such as U.S. News and World Report and Woman’s World. Kim has been on many of the major television networks as a television correspondent. She’s a contributing editor to a few different green magazine publications, and she’s a frequent speaker on green and healthy living topics. Wow!
Pick up more good stuff from Kim on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and YouTube.
Mama on a Green Mission: It’s Easy Being Green
April Gatewood is a baby-wearing, breastfeeding, cloth diapering mama. She and her husband have four wonderful children, 2 girls and 2 boys. April’s blog is a mix of green living and family. You can tell by reading it that family comes first and is central to her life, but make no mistake – she is definitely green, and will point you in the right direction to becoming greener to, especially as it comes to clean, healthy products. She reviews a lot of great products on her website, those that are green and organic and those that have to do with family and children activities as well. If you’ve got a new bundle of joy in your home, or are about to have a new infant come into your home, and you will be using cloth diapers, there are lots to choose from. April has reviewed several! And if you are looking for places to go, things to see, and stuff to do for family bonding, April’s got that for you, too. There is lots of variety on her blog!
Catch April on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Google+.
Happy Mothering: Inspiration to Live a Simple, Natural Lifestyle
Chrystal Johnson is the genuinely happy mother behind Happy Mothering. Chrystal discusses all kinds of green and natural living topics from baby wearing, breastfeeding, and co-sleeping all the way to natural beauty, healthy eating, and natural cleaning. Chrystal didn’t find her way to living greener and healthier in just one location or one person. It was a maze of learning and some trial and error, but you can tell from her blogging ventures that she’s come to a very solid foundation, and is very much an expert on green living. Chrystal definitely strikes a chord with many people, as you will see by reading her blog and following her on her social channels that she gets a ton of feedback in the form of comments, shares, and likes on the items she shares and curates. She offers lots of great giveaways on her blog, and she’s got a lot of expertise in marketing too, so lots of companies seek her out to get the word out about their products (she gets to pick from some of the best out there!). In 2012, Chrystal founded Green Moms Media to help other green living bloggers connect with natural brands, getting the word out about some of the greenest and healthiest products in the marketplace today.
Check out what Chrystal is sharing in the social sphere on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+, and Instagram.
Almost All the Truth: unEARTHing the truth
Brenna Burke is the truth seeker behind the blog Almost All the Truth. What drives Brenna is both children’s health and environmental health. Brenna has an excellent section on her blog that discusses all of the naughty ingredients that are commonly put in baby products (Reading Labels and Understanding Ingredients) so you know just what you might be slathering on your precious infant if you’re not careful. There is also a section on her blog that is a great resource for parents seeking healthier and more sustainable products (Eco-Friendly Products). Brenna is an activist, but recognizes that we all do our part in a little bit different way. Still, we can come together and find common ground to fight for the principles we believe in and will make the biggest difference for everyone. Brenna doesn’t live in isolation, and recognizes the contributions of others. You will see a great list of people and blogs that she herself follows and learns from on her Blogroll.
Follow along with Brenna on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Google+.
Non-Toxic Kids: Helping Your Kids Stay Safe, Healthy & Smart
Katy Farber is a 6th grade school teacher. She started the blog Non-Toxic Kids in 2007 with the core cause and belief in protecting children from toxins in consumer products. She has labored for many years to do just that. Recently her fight (joined by many other activists, concerned parents, and lawmakers) has paid off in her state of Vermont where a bill has been passed to regulate and list the toxins found in children’s products. Besides blogging on Non-Toxic Kids, Katy is also an author of 3 books: Why Great Teachers Quit and How we Might Stop the Exodus, Change the World with Service Learning, and Eat Non-Toxic: A Manual for Busy Parents. What’s more, Katy has written for several other blogs in the past and continues to offer wonderful insights as a guest blogger on other green living blogs and magazines. Notably, she has written for CNN, Fox News Opinion, Educational Leadership, and Edutopia. Katy is even a graduate level teacher for courses in service learning.
Follow Katy for more great green learnings on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.
Wholesome Mommy: REAL family. REAL food. REAL simple.
Denise Sawyer is the Wholesome Mommy who blogs about eating REAL food. She began her journey of eating whole foods with the birth of her son. When her husband was diagnosed with leukemia, eating whole foods became even more important, and as a result he is cancer-free today! Denise cooks (from scratch) 5 to 7 nights a week, and can usually have dinner on the table in about 30 minutes. She wants to show you how you can too. Her blog is filled with wonderful meal plans and great recipes. Although organic foods can sometimes cost more, they don’t always have to, and Denise discusses how to stay within your budget when shopping for real foods. Because Denise is a teacher, you’ll also receive a great education on her blog of the why’s (why cut out processed foods and why buy organic), as well as the how’s. Beyond just eating, Denise also blogs about having a wholesome family and parenting, about making stuff (DIY), and having fun! And if you ever get sick, she’s got lots of great recommendations for natural remedies.
Follow Denise for more simple steps to take to get and stay healthy on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and YouTube.
Small Footprint Family: Sustainability Starts at Home
Dawn Gifford is the owner and editor of Small Footprint Family, a blog about all things green and healthy, running the gamut from real foods all the way to political activism. Dawn draws from a well of richly fortified experience. Her resume is impressive! She founded a greenroof company, and has spent 15 years developing workforce training programs for environmental jobs in tree care, low-impact development, sustainable landscaping, and urban agriculture. She’s been a Master Gardener, Master Composter, certified arborist, and permaculture designer among other things. People listen to Dawn because she knows what she’s talking about! Her work has been covered in major publications like the Washington Post, and her company has been sponsored by the likes of the USDA, the EPA, government bodies, the Ford Foundation, and the Aspen Institute among others. You’ll love learning from Dawn as she guides you through her whole foods journey, having clawed her way back from serious illness towards thriving health. Dawn reads and responds to comments and questions on her blog, and has some great interaction with her social followers as well.
Stay up to date with Dawn on her social profiles at Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Google+.
Ashley’s Green Life: Living a Greener Life, One Tip at a Time
Ashley Furnell is the gluten-free, vegan, animal lover behind Ashley’s Green Life. Ashley is a preschool teacher, wife, and mother of two. One of the things you’ll love about Ashley’s blog is it’s not just a blog, it’s part vlog too (video weblog). She shares some great instructional videos on it on all kinds of green living topics. It’s very interesting watching and listening to the person behind the blog you always read. It adds a nice personal touch! You will find some mouth-watering dinner, smoothie, and snack recipes on Ashley’s blog, and you’ll be taught to be just as aware about what you are putting on your body as what you put into it. Further, Ashley does a great job of chronicling her pregnancies, the birth and development of her children, and what she did to get her body back into pre-pregnancy shape. Ashley is also another blogger who does a terrific job of listening to her readers and responding in her blog comments section.
Check out Ashley’s pins on Pinterest, her great family pics on Instagram, and her wonderful collection of YouTube videos.
The Eco-Friendly Family: Green Living for the Modern Family
Amanda Hearn is the mother of three fantastic children, wife to one awesome husband, and blog owner and operator of The Eco-Friendly Family. Amanda’s blog covers lots of ground in the natural parenting arena, with loads of information on cloth diapers, including how to make your own cloth diaper detergent, how to wash them, and how the pre-folds go. She’s also not afraid to cover natural feminine hygiene. Amanda has found a lot of fulfillment in blogging on natural parenting and green living, and enjoys interacting with her readers – so much so that she in part credits their encouragement and inspiration to her becoming a part of the team at Green Child Magazine. You’ll also find some great tips for keeping a healthy home on Amanda’s blog, as well as some healthy recipes and pics that look so tasty it’ll make you hungry just looking at them!
Keep up to date with more great shares from Amanda on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+, Instagram, and YouTube.
Eco Child’s Play
Jennifer Lance is the founder and editor of Eco Child’s Play. This blog began with the premise of providing information on natural toys for children, but has since expanded to cover a lot more information, including news, ideas, and opinions on natural parenting. Jennifer is so green that she lives off the grid! Her family grows their own food, and they even built their own home from their own timber off their land. They also generate electricity from a creek. You’ll find that Jennifer is very well informed and forms logical opinions based on solid research. She has a great section of her blog full of interesting articles about home birthing and midwifes, pointing out the real facts about the safety of planned home births in healthy women with low risk pregnancies. Jennifer believes that children have a “play deficit”, and that they need to really get out and explore nature, be more active rather than being glued to television and other electronics, and engage with more eco-friendly games as well. She has a product review section on her blog and a special section on green toys, too. As a teacher, Jennifer’s purpose is to educate so we can all make more informed decisions as we choose non-toxic, healthy homes.
You can find Jennifer sharing socially on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+, Instagram, and YouTube.
The Crunchy Moose: Refreshing. Natural. Real.
Ashlee Mayer is The Crunchy Moose (well, actually her son is – the blog is named after him ). Ashlee is living proof that eating whole, organic foods is what nature intended. She came upon this lifestyle out of necessity, when she slipped a disc in her back and her health spiraled out of control as a result + all of the medications she was given to control the pain. She started a detox program and shifted her diet to organic and whole foods, and has never looked back. It has made a huge difference in her health and energy levels. Taking this knowledge further, she helped nurse an adopted son back to full health, who was originally allergic to just about everything when he came into her and her husband’s home. Ashley shares her journey to thriving health with you on her blog. Because of Ashlee’s experience with back pain, she has some good advice for fellow back sufferers that she shares (7 Daily Habits to End Back Pain). And, she’s really great at putting together all kinds of lotions and potions to help you look and feel better (lots of DIY and homemade gems on her blog), many of which include powerful essential oils.
Follow Ashley on her journey socially on Facebook, Pinterest, and Google+.
Organic Sunshine: A Mom’s Blog – Natural Living, Eco-Friendly Products & Giveaways
Nicole Sanford is the blogging mother of Organic Sunshine, who through her life experiences has come to appreciate all the beautiful things that life has to offer. She is the mother of two sons and a talented step-son, and wife to a hydroponic gardener. Nicole’s blog is a reflection of the beauty that she sees in everything that the sun shines on around her. Just take a look at the amazing design of her blog, and you’ll definitely want to stick around for a while! Nicole likes to dig in the dirt, and shares many great gardening posts on her blog. She’s also got lots of delicious recipes, and is such a great photographer that these dishes all look like they’re sitting right in front of you on your dinner table all ready for you to eat. Nicole reviews lots of natural care and other eco-friendly products on her blog, and hosts lots of great giveaways, too. With the quality of content that Nicole shares, she naturally generates a lot of discussion between her and her readers.
Follow Nicole for some fabulous shares on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Google+.
Green Your Decor
Jennae Petersen is chief blogger of Green Your Décor. The goal of her blog is to demonstrate that style and quality can also be sustainable. Jennae scours the marketplace looking for eco-friendly products for your home, discussing them and linking out to them when she finds a great fit. Jennae has an innate instinct and good eye for style, and her blog is filled with beautiful images of the products she reviews and discusses. There’s a Green Gift Guide section on Jennae’s blog that highlights green gifts for men, women, children, kids, teens – just about anyone and everyone. She’s also got a section on her blog for Green Steals of the Week, deeply discounted green items for sale. You may want to check in with her to see what kind of eco-friendly and décor products are going to be on sale for the upcoming Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales this year. If anyone will know about them, she will! Lots of entries on Jennae’s blog get shared, especially on Pinterest. Besides Green Your Décor, Jennae also runs a green graphics design firm (Hibiscus Creative), blogs about fashion on the blog Green & Gorgeous, and has an organic t-shirt line, Differently Clothing.
Follow Jennae on her social channels on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram.
The Healthy Voyager: Life is a Voyage, Live it Well!
Carolyn Scott-Hamilton is The Healthy Voyager (her blog’s title is a very apt description of her). Beyond being a green living blogger, Carolyn’s life is filled with so many interesting things. She truly lives life to its fullest. She one of those people that you wonder how she fits everything in to her busy schedule. She’s a vegan chef, she’s a world traveler, she’s a business consultant, she’s a best-selling cookbook author (The Healthy Voyager’s Global Kitchen), and she’s a frequent guest on many national media outlets. Phew, just pausing for a breath here, but there’s more. Carolyn develops healthy recipes for many brands, she’s received a PhD in naturopathic medicine, she runs Ineventions (a multi-service public relations, marketing and branding agency), and she’s a greatly sought-after speaker. Beyond traditional blog posts, her blog also features really exciting and fun videos done by her production company. Watch some (or all) of them – she is so photogenic and has such an infectious personality, making everything such an adventure! There’s so much to take in on her blog that it was probably more useful for us to explain who Carolyn Scott-Hamilton is and what she does first, which we felt would naturally cause you to want to dive into her blog with curiosity to find out how she does it all!
Get regular social updates from Carolyn on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+, Instagram, and YouTube.
A Life Sustained
Courtney Cable is the lifelong learner behind the blog A Life Sustained. Courtney is a determined woman who even had a home water birth. Her blog shares lots of tantalizing CSA (Community Sustained Agriculture) recipes. Courtney is very well read, is a book reviewer for, and offers lots of great book reviews on A Life Sustained regarding documentaries, nature, sustainability, gardening, family, arts and crafts, and more. There is a great section on her blog with tutorials she’s done that include wonderful photographs of homemade items that are for children, for the home, and for you. She’s quite creative, and you can tell from the comments left on her blog that her readers love her for sharing her imaginative creations. Courtney home schools her son, and offers some great resources on her blog that she’s used to draw inspiration from for teaching children.
Follow Courtney on her social extensions on Facebook and Twitter.
Reduce Footprints: Easy Ways for Each of us to Reduce our Footprint on the Earth
Cyndi Hall pens her thoughts and ideas about treading lightly on Mother Earth on her blog Reduce Footprints. One of the unique aspects of Cyndi’s blog is a section called Change the World Wednesday, the aim of which is to get as many people involved at a time to meet or exceed a specified goal that has a positive impact on the environment. Participants who share the challenge of the week on social media use the hashtag #CTWW. Cyndi gets a lot of great feedback from her readers, some of which “up the ante”, and get her to change the goal to be a little more ambitious. On her blog Cyndi also has another great idea she’s put into action, which is a “Meet and Greet” designed to grow the green community, where each month one green blogger is featured and other green bloggers have a chance to get to know one another by sharing their blogs’ green living posts via a link-up party. There are plenty of other things to do and see on Cyndi’s blog. Check out her thorough list of recipes, and her great product reviews. Cyndi is truly loved and appreciated by her readers.
For more sustainable ideas from Cyndi, keep up with her on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Google+.
Green 4 U: Green Living Tips for the Average Person
Leigh Garofalow is an environmental activist and hard working mother blogging on Green 4 U. She definitely walks the talk (Did you participate in the People’s Climate March? She did.), and has a section of her website dedicated to helping you contact your representatives in government so you can make your voice be heard on environmental issues you care about. Leigh also has some great green gift guides on her blog that are segmented towards the special people in your life that you might be shopping for. As well, Leigh shares with her readers her ideas regarding natural parenting, healthy living and eating, community issues (like fracking, GMO’s, and climate change), and recipes. Reading Leigh’s blog, her passion for the environment and cutting down waste clearly shines through, and she’s a great example to follow. Leigh had some wonderful predecessors of her own who lived green without even calling it that. Wouldn’t it be nice if today “going green” was such a normal part of everyday life that we didn’t even refer to it that way or consider it being anything other than the norm?
Follow Leigh’s social updates on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.
Our Daily Green: A collection of hints to help nurture a more ecological and economical household with very simple choices
Kim Urig is a talented freelance writer and author of Our Daily Green. Unlike many of us, Kim has pretty much always been green. She grew up on an organic farm, and carried the thrifty and natural living principles with her throughout her life. In her early adult life, she continued to be green mainly as a way to save money, but her reason for being green now is to protect the health of herself and her family, having seen too many cases of cancer in her friends and loved ones. Kim’s blog has a wonderful assortment of green product reviews (personal care, cleaners, food, household items, and natural health) and lots of helpful information about healthy food choices. Kim is a firm believer in the 80/20 rule, and bases her blogging and philosophy on doing your best in 80% of the areas you set out to achieve, and not worrying yourself to insanity over the other 20%. Keeping things simple, and reading and applying what you learn from Kim’s blog will help you save money!
Keep up with Kim on her social network accounts, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Google+.
The Green Girls: Helping Inspire an Eco-Conscious Lifestyle
Apple Levy is the founder of The Green Girls, a hip and chic blog dedicated to living green in a fun way! Apple has put together a fantastic team of green women bloggers whose motive is to get the green word out via pop culture, social networking, and mass media. The Green Girls blog features some wonderfully talented women writing on such a variety of topics that all amazingly tie into green living. You can truly get your fill here on just about any area of life that you’re interested in, from family to food to health to fashion to travel to entertainment to business to relationships. It’s all here! And it’s all related to being more eco-conscious, while having a blast doing it. Green Girls TV has some really fun interviews with green celebrities, and shares a boatload of great DIY, how-to, and homemade tutorials. The Green Girls is truly a colorful and vibrant blog, and is anything but mundane!
The Green Girls get their social groove on with Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.
My Plastic Free Life
Beth Terry of My Plastic Free Life is an accountant, but unlike the stereotypical one, is anything but boring . Her life is full of interesting things! Rather than being content hidden away in an office somewhere, Beth is an activist, author, and public speaker. Beth’s blog (and amazing purpose) sprang from an article regarding the plastics in our oceans and the wildlife that they harm that she read while recovering from a surgical procedure several years back. Beth came to the conclusion that she was part of the harm that was being cause to our ecosystem, and realized that the things in life that make her happy don’t come packaged in plastic. Beth has a Plastic Free Guide on her blog sharing 100 ways that you can reduce plastic waste and come closer to a plastic-free life. She also issues you a challenge to tally up how much plastic you actually use during one week, and to take inventory on how you could lessen your plastic footprint. It’s not to make you feel guilty, but rather to raise your awareness and help you consider changes you could make. Beth demonstrates how simply asking companies not to package their products in plastic can actually work! She and others have done this successfully (simply asked and received). Check out Beth’s book, Plastic-Free: How I Kicked the Plastic Habit and You can Too. Beth has fantastic interaction with the readers of her blog, and is an inspiration to many.
Find Beth socializing with a plenitude of engaged fans on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+, and YouTube.
Green & Clean Mom
Sommer Poquette is owner and editor of the blog Green & Clean Mom, but also has a handful of dynamite contributing writers for her blog as well. Sommer is practical in her green living, and acknowledges that she is imperfect, though trying to be greener all of the time. She believes we can all make an important contribution to an eco-friendly lifestyle, so there’s no reason to fret if we aren’t always 100% all-natural. Her blog has many of the regular types of green living posts (healthy eating, product reviews, parenting, etc.), but she also stops to reflect once in a while (Comparison is the Thief of Joy, Let it Go and Enjoy the Summer Day, Good Enough is Okay) to make sure she’s not letting the hustle and bustle of life get in the way of happiness. Sommer is a former teacher and an expert marketer and consultant, and is fabulous at blogger outreach and connecting her clients with the right marketing mix. She has also written a book titled My Mommy is a Blogger. You won’t be surprised to know that her work is mentioned in the likes of Woman’s World, The New York Times, ABC News, The Wall Street Journal, and more!
Become one of Sommer’s many followers on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+, Instagram, and YouTube.
Simple. Green. Organic. Happy.: A Field Guide to Inspired Green Living
Robin Strong Elton describes herself as a "oney Badger Mom" (she even has a separate blog named that!). Just like her middle name implies, Robin is a strong woman and tenacious as it comes to reaching her goals in life. Robin is well read, a philosopher, a very physically fit person (she is Community Manager at, and excellent at expressing her opinions. Her blog includes some really neat and thought-provoking quotes that tie in excellently with her posts. Another great thing about Robin’s blog is that it is so expressive through her talented photography. Above all, Robin sticks very well to her blog’s title. She keeps it simple, she’s definitely a green warrior, her life and everything about it is very “organic”, and by reading her blog you can tell she definitely has fun with life! You’ll get some awesome insights by reading Simple Green Organic Happy, and once you feel Robin’s drive and determination bleeding through, we think you’ll be hard-pressed not to be motivated by it.
Follow Robin’s meaningful posts on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram.
Nature Moms Blog: A Mom’s Guide to Natural Family Life
Reading Tiffany Washko’s blog, Nature Mom’s Blog, you get a sense that this woman has great balance in her life, and that she is very well organized. You’ll love the lists that she shares on her blog; she breaks everything down into bite-sized chunks and maps things out that you can do to become much, much greener, less wasteful, and more self-sufficient. She is a homesteader, and helps you realize that even living in the city there are lots of things that you can do to live the homesteading lifestyle. Tiffany’s blog not only covers a lot of the conventional green living ideas that many green bloggers do, but she also thinks outside of the box and provides tips about things that many of us wouldn’t necessarily think about, like introducing green living within the parameters of a birthday party, or green school supplies, and even burial and cremation. There are so many categories on her blog to choose from when researching a green living subject, which simply demonstrates that it isn’t so much about Tiffany doing green things, but that it has become very much a part of who she is. Sorta like she’s arrived already . Tiffany has lots of great interaction with the commenters who stop by to visit her blog. It’s very apparent that what she’s sharing is near and dear to her readers’ hearts.
Tiffany has an ample social following on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, and Instagram.
The Green Divas: Low-Stress Ways to Live a Deeper Shade of Green
Megan McWilliams and Lynn Hasselberger are the green and fun-loving divas of Their main goal is to help you go green without the stress! Not only are you going to get a ton of helpful articles with great tips (on natural living, environmental issues, wildlife, women’s health, gardening, eco-style, DIY, and renewable energy) on The Green Divas blog, but The Green Divas Radio Show and podcasts are full of interesting green topics and fabulous expert guests. These ladies have a lot of fun doing their show too (they are no stuffed shirts, and are very youthful), so expect to be entertained in addition to getting an education! The Green Divas, Meg and Lynn, have their own radio and recording studio, and offer services and consulting to others who are looking to get their voices out on the airwaves as well.
The Green Divas can also be followed on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and YouTube.
Crunchy Chicken: Putting the Mental in Environmental
Deanna Duke is the “Non-Toxic Avenger” behind the blog Crunchy Chicken (and the book The Non-Toxic Avenger: What You Don’t Know can Hurt You). She is an urban homesteader, and really started to root out the toxins with a vengeance after her son was diagnosed with Asperger’s and her husband was diagnosed with multiple myeloma. She realized that despite what the FDA (or any other agency) says or does, she needed to educate herself on what was in the products that she and her family were using and what kind of an effect they could have on their health. Deanna is an expert urban homesteader, writing for Mother Earth News, and was a personal care consultant for the eco-makeover show, Mission: Sustainable. She has also been interviewed as a green living expert for many major media outlets. You’ll find Crunchy Chicken to be a really fun read with lots of great humor sprinkled in, while giving you a great feel for living like our pioneer ancestors.
Follow Deanna’s popular social shares on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.
Urban Gardens: Unlimited Thinking for Limited Spaces
Robin Plaskoff Horton is the insanely talented founder of Urban Gardens, a splendidly gorgeous blog where she shares all kinds of information on eco-friendly designs and styles for urban gardens and small spaces. Robin covers everything from rooftop gardens to vertical gardens to indoor gardens to hydroponics and aquaponics to container gardens to herb gardens, and more. And the scenery and visuals on her blog are breathtakingly beautiful! If there are any new designs or trends in the urban gardening world, Robin is on top of it. She’s a master curator, and finds the best of the best (in products and designers). Robin will guide you through finding, creating, and experiencing all of the fabulous creations you see on her blog. Robin and her work have been mentioned in multiple notable publications and she has received several awards. Even if you live in the city, there’s no reason why you can’t green up your space and beautify your surroundings, and Robin’s Urban Gardens is the perfect place to get you started.
Robin has a wide and well-established base of social followers on her Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest accounts. Green Reviews
Courtney Cordaro is owner and chief editor of, a blog full of reviews of great green products, many of which you have probably heard of and others that may come as a pleasant surprise to you. There are a wide range of products that have been reviewed by Courtney and her team, including natural foods and beverages, cleaning supplies, outdoor gear, clothing, personal care, and beauty items to mention a few. The reviews are honest and forthright, and offer a great place to discover something new you haven’t tried before. And you won’t find anything greenwashed here either. is constantly growing in its readership and notoriety, having been covered by the likes of, major newspapers, and other great resources. Courtney frequents conferences and expos, and is always on the lookout for more great green products to try, as well as to perform her own small but meaningful part in the great green movement.
Follow the Tweets and Instagram account of to stay up-to-date with the new natural and healthful products available in today’s marketplace.
Natural Living Mamma: Living Naturally, it’s All for Them
Amanda Klenner-Labrow blogs on Natural Living Mamma, sharing the story of her journey to vitality and overcoming challenges with not being able to have children. Now a mother to two children, Amanda also concocts her own herbal remedies and runs Natural Herbal Living Magazine (a separate blog of hers dedicated to helping you develop a profound relationship with one herb a month). Natural Living Mamma blog shares things like how to use essential oils for specific problems and conditions, how to formulate your own personal care products, healthy recipes, and even hosts a blog hop each Monday for other bloggers wishing to share their natural living posts in a centralized location. Amanda also tends to have a good amount of interaction with the loyal followers of her blog in the comments section of her blog posts.
Follow Natural Living Mamma’s social shares on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Google+.
The Good Human: Don’t Blow it, Good Planets are Hard to Find
David Quilty owns and operates The Good Human, a blog covering many environmental issues that all of us should be concerned with, and do our own part to protect the health of our planet and thus ourselves. David has thousands of posts on his blog, having founded it in the year 2006. He’s also been covered, interviewed, or contributed to many reputable media outlets. He takes a very no-nonsense approach to the health and well-being of the eco system, and for that he is well respected, but he also believes that whatever we can and feel we should do as individuals to protect and preserve the environment is better than nothing, and every single bit of it contributes positively to the greater whole. He rightly recognizes that guilting people into it is not an appropriate or effective motivator. The Good Human covers a lot of ground, and it’s nice that David has a section of his blog (the Start Here section) for newbies or those visiting for the first time.
Find David sharing socially on Facebook and Twitter.
*Update: David has sold his blog to a new owner, but look for similar content from this blog in the coming weeks, months, and hopefully years.
Earth 911: More Ideas, Less Waste
Chase Ezell is the Managing Editor of Earth 911, a blog dedicated to helping you reduce waste, find your own shade of green, and contribute to the cause of sustainability in a way that makes you feel you are making a difference individually. Earth 911 has been around since trees first sprang forth from the dirt (not really, but they were green before it was cool to be so. Twenty years is a long time to have a raised consciousness in the sustainability arena!). Chase has recruited a great group of bloggers who contribute their own ideas and opinions on Earth 911; some of these contributing bloggers you will find already referenced above. Chase knows how to pick the right people for sharing deep personal wisdom born of rich experience . One of the great features of Earth 911 is the Recycle Search, an engine that helps you to locate where to drop off your recyclables, with an accompanying guide that helps to educate on the types of products that are recyclable. As you wend your way around Earth 911, don’t forget to check out the new You Change, a marketplace for sustainable products. One of the goals of Earth 911 is to provide a full suite of eco-conscious products, and they are off to a good start!
You’ll be in good company following Earth 911 on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Google+.
Hip Moms Go Green
Nickie Knight is the founder and creator of Hip Moms Go Green. Nickie is a holistic nurse and wellness expert. If you love healthy beverages, you can sign up on her blog for a free eBook containing ten juice and smoothie recipes! Read through her blog and you’ll find dozens of other great recipes and methods for keeping your children and significant other healthy with nutrient-dense foods that taste delicious, as well as natural remedies for the times that you are feeling a little under the weather. For the ladies, you’ll find it particularly beneficial to learn which cosmetics are natural and organic, and the different certifications that you should watch for. You can tell from her blog that Nickie loves life and lives it to the fullest, and we fully expect you to one-size fits all”), and offers a 21-Day Clean Up Your Diet program, the details of which you can learn more about on her blog.
See what else Nickie is sharing on her social channels, Facebook, Twitter, and her lovely Pinterest boards.
The Chic Ecologist: Eco Chic Sustainable Green Living
Jean-Paul LaCount heads up The Chic Ecologist, a blog with a concentration on the latest in green design, sustainable fashion, eco-friendly products, and environmental news. Jean-Paul is joined on his blog by a talented team of writers sharing a variety of viewpoints and expert opinions all with the intent of helping you to turn sustainable living into a lifestyle. Ever heard of Glassphemy? Look it up on the Release, React, Recycle post on The Chic Ecologist, and learn about a fun way to vent your aggressions while making recycling fun! Also learn about eco-friendly driveways that are permeable, porous, and alive! And you just have to read about North America’s Largest Living Green Wall (go see how tall it is, how many plants it’s made of, and by how much it reduces temperatures). If you’re looking for a great green gift for a child this holiday season, you may want to read Solar Car Kits for Kids.
Follow along with Jean-Paul and his team on Twitter.
Sustainable Baby Steps: Small Steps Toward Greener Living
Tara and Justin Wagner are the husband and wife team behind Sustainable Baby Steps. And they do make a great team. They are about as sustainable a couple as you’ll find. They currently live in a solar-powered RV pulled by a truck that has been converted to run on vegetable oil. How cool is that?! Tara’s journey towards become crunchy began at the age of 19 when she became a massage therapist. Through seeking health and wellness, making the transition to sustainability was nearly effortless for Tara. Tara’s blog is organized in a way that makes it simple to find what you are looking for. She really does mean for it to help you ease into your sustainable journey one step at a time. Following the layout and presentation of her blog, you know right where to start and how to advance in your quest for living sustainably. If you need a little kickstart (or simply some direction) on how to begin a greener lifestyle, read Tara’s Your Top 16 Ways to Go Green. Continue a little further down the path by checking out the Big Strides and Giant Leaps section of Sustainable Baby Steps. Wherever you’re at in your progression towards sustainability, Tara’s got a place for you on her blog, all ready for you to advance. Tara has gotten some great press and notoriety for her work (The Ricki Lake Show as one example). Don’t forget to download her awesome free eBook that will help you go green and save money! As if all of this weren’t enough, Tara is also a lifestyle coach, and her main gig is
Keep up with the Wagners by following their social profiles on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.
Recycled Fashion
Erica Louise is the author of the ethical fashion blog Recycled Fashion. Erica’s philosophy is that “Fashion does not have to cost the earth, environmentally or financially.” A fabulous resource full of recycled, vintage, upcycled, and DIY, you’ll love how beautiful and ornate the true works of art she shares on her blog are. All of the individual posts are simply gorgeous to peruse. Erica is highly acclaimed, and has received many awards and other recognitions for her work. There’s an awesome section on Recycled Fashion (DIY Refashion) that is filled with some very detailed and fun tutorials of how you can refashion existing garments so that you: avoid filling up our landfills unnecessarily (just repurpose last year’s trends), look stylish without being spendy, and are truly unique in your expressions! We’re certain that you’ll be impressed with the thoughtful and creative innovations Erica shares on her blog, and we hope you try some of them out on your own.
If you love looking your best and doing it on a budget, do keep up to date with Erica as she shares on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+, and Instagram.
The Green Mama Blog
Manda Aufochs Gillespie is the owner and editor of The Green Mama Blog. Manda is quite a dynamic individual. She’s considered a green guru by major media outlets, and has made appearances on HBO, ABC, and CBC. Manda has also written a book, Green Mama: Giving Your Child a Healthy Start and a Greener Future. One of the really neat sections on The Green Mama Blog is called Ask the Green Mama, where readers submit questions to Manda concerning green or natural health types of issues. Manda is extremely thorough in her responses. What an awesome way to interact with your readers! Manda knows the ingredients of all kinds of consumer products, too, so if you want to know which ones are healthy and sustainable, she’s your go-to-gal. Another great thing about Manda’s blog is that you can get a sample of what’s in her book. She provides chapter one completely free for you to read, so go check it out! Manda offers many green services, having helped to green an urban eco village, a daycare center, a huge residential project, and a Guatamalan orphanage (that she’s assisted with and been back to visit 5 times during the past several years – check out her post discussing Project Somos, the eco village for at-risk mothers and children).
Be part of Manda’s community of followers on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Flickr.
Zero Waste Home: Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Rot (and Only in That Order)
Bea Johnson is the blogger behind Zero Waste Home. Bea and her family’s lives are living proof that producing less waste provides more happiness and a more serene life. Imagine how much time you could save if you followed Bea’s example and got rid of all of the stuff that clutters up life and makes it more complicated. Stuff also makes us less productive, more passive and live less meaningful lives in so many ways. Bea’s blog contains a section called Tips, where she shares 10 tips in 8 different categories about how to lower your waste at home. Bea has written a book, Zero Waste Home: The Ultimate Guide to Simplifying Your Life by Reducing Your Waste. She has also created an app called Bulk, which offers an ingenious way of helping you to locate where in your locale to shop for bulk foods, all in an effort to cut down on the waste of packaging and helping preserve the environment. Bea has been featured in a variety of notable media outlets. Her creativity is truly fed by finding different alternatives for zero waste. She want’s everyone to feel as happy as she does living the zero waste lifestyle (and maybe actually forget the last time you took out the trash!).
Become part of Bea’s ample following on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and YouTube.
The Organic View… Educating the World, Two Ears at a Time!
June Stoyer heads up The Organic View, a blog and internet talk-radio show. The radio show has featured hundreds of industry leaders, scientists, and organic living experts. June is an activist and environmentalist, having grown up on an organic farm in the Catskill Mountains. She has owned an organic specialty retail foods business as well as a culinary instructional business. June covers all kinds of environmental issues on the blog as well as the radio show, including green energy and fracking, and also issues dealing with animals (pets and wild animals as well) and bees and Monarch butterflies (what is killing them off and their importance in the ecosystem). June has a lovely voice and is very engaging on her show. You can listen to her podcasts with Zune (and other major podcast providers), iTunes, and by subscribing to her blog’s RSS feed. A really interesting episode is Fear of Trees. Check it out, and find out what that is all about… June’s show has a global audience of over 3 million listeners, a definite must listen!
Follow June on her social networks on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and YouTube.
Eco Baby Mama Drama: Living Life More Eco Consciously, Saving the Drama for What Really Matters.
Bri Radke takes the reins on her blog, Eco Baby Mama Drama, while also being a stay-at-home mother to a couple of rambunctious boys. Bri’s blog is one in which she’ll teach you how to wear your baby in style! She provides explanations and reviews of the best carriers/wraps/slings, and gives you the pros and cons of each type. Of course, her blog isn’t just about baby-wearing; Bri is also an expert on cloth diapers. Beyond that, Bri is Queen Magnet for landing opportunities for fantastic product reviews and GIVEAWAYS, too! Part of what Bri does to help spread “green goodwill” is to host weekly her Green Giveaways Galore Linky, which makes for an excellent opportunity for exposure of other blogs who are putting on giveaways of eco-friendly products. It’s a win-win, where everyone has an opportunity to benefit, as she curates some of the best green product giveaways, and publishes them on her blog to get more people in the know about what great products are out there, with a chance to win something that’s really worth having.
Bri has a large number of social followers on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ Pinterest, and Instagram.
For each of our award winners, if you wish to place the Most Influential Green Living Blogger 2015 distinguishment upon your winning blog, you may pick it up below (all others – Cain’t touch this! )

*Permission is granted to alter the size of this award if necessary to fit your blog format’s space constraints.
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