The 50 Best Vegan Blogs of 2015

A Hearty Congratulations From PlushBeds to All of the Following Uber-Talented and Principled Vegan Bloggers!!!
The following are our picks for the best vegan blogs out there. Why would we do a roundup for the best vegan bloggers? It goes with the territory, of course. PlushBeds is a green business, and as such, we wish to support other causes that are in line with our philosophy of creating a better world for ourselves, our children, grandchildren, our fellow men and women and earth’s creatures great and small. Just like our widely acclaimed article on the 50 most influential green living bloggers, we aim to support these fine people who are championing the vegan cause as well (and doing an oh, so good job of it as you’re about to see!).
Bookmark and Share with Friends & Family
As always, we recommend that you bookmark this page and refer to it again and again. It’s a huge part of our philosophy here at PlushBeds that you only get what you give, and, to pay it forward. We’ve been so blessed in many ways, and we want you to not only discover the wonderful talents that these fascinating people have, but to become followers of them as well. Do what they do, eat what they eat, and some of their amazing characteristics might rub off on you . You are what you eat, and we think that if you eat what those you most admire eat, you might end up a little bit like them. At the very least, you should have more energy, more spunk, feel healthier, have an increased sense of well-being, and perhaps even a better outlook on life. It’s a fact that many of these wonderful people’s transition to veganism gave them a new lease on life.
Oh, and by the way, one shameless plug for PlushBeds’ contribution towards veganism – check out our vegan natural latex mattresses. Because, after all, being vegan is about more than just food.
*Our apologies in advance for not having a head shot for each author of a vegan blog (yet). We do our very best to show respect for these fine people by not posting their images without establishing contact with them first for their permission. Further images will appear as the permissions do .
Angela Liddon heads up the blog oh she glows, and by the before and after pictures on her blog you can tell her vegan lifestyle has really made a substantial difference in her life. But not only on the outside was this change effected, it was on the inside as well. Angela struggled with an eating disorder from an early age (pre-teen). It has taken her many years to overcome, but her weakness has truly transformed into her strength, and she has since been able to influence countless others who have made major life-giving changes as well (including her previously-addicted-to-fast-food-and-soda childhood sweetheart and husband). Angela’s cookbook, The Oh She Glows Cookbook was released just last year, and is a New York Times Bestseller. Her blog and her cookbook have received countless awards and reviews.
Now that you know Angela’s story in a nutshell, besides following her blog for some fantastic recipes (that don’t sacrifice a bit on taste), you can find and follow her on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+, and Instagram.
On Isa Moskowitz’s wildly popular website and blog, POST PUNK KITCHEN, Isa, the vegan goddess and rock star, spares no effort in creating glorious vegan recipes. The edge that Isa has in the vegan world is her uninhibited personality; her writing exudes her passion for the food, and she resonates with her readers like nobody’s business . Her video series is a real treat; she gives Rachel Ray a run for her money. Isa does a great job of bringing the vegan community together, too, and giving them a place to share, to rejoice, to vent and rant, to talk about their awesome pets or their pet peeves, and any number of other items of business on the theppk forum. Wondering if Isa has any cookbooks? The answer is a big YES – 8 of them, in fact. Impressive! You can check them all out here.
Connect with the POST PUNK KITCHEN for Isa’s up-to-date vegan news and views on both Facebook and Twitter.
The Vegan Woman
Sivan Pardo Renwick is the founder and chief editor of The Vegan Woman. She is joined today by 14 other very talented writers (13 women and 1 gentleman) and a marketing specialist who are spread throughout the world. Beyond vegan food and recipes, Sivan and her team also dive deeply into the whys of veganism, and help the reader to think about the ethics of how animals are treated along with other vegan social issues of the day. One of the driving forces of this blog is awareness, and making certain that whichever decisions you are making that you make informed ones instead of making them based upon what the mass media (or even friends and family) has led you to believe. One of the struggles that many newly-converted vegans have is that of How to Get Your Family on Board a Plant-Based Diet. The Vegan woman covers that and many other vegan family-related concerns. As well, there are vegan topics related to making your bedroom vegan, Non-Violent Pest Control for your garden, and How to Get that Healthy Vegan Glow.
The Vegan Woman is a wonderful community of many cherished vegan voices, one that you’ll feel welcome at and want to become a part of. Follow The Vegan Woman on social media at Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Google+.
allyson kramer: eat good food
Allyson Kramer, whose vegan blog can be found at, is an artist and cookbook writer, having three vegan/gluten-free cookbooks to her name. As well, the artist in Allyson makes her no rookie at photography either, enhancing the whole experience of taking in all of her tantalizing recipes. Allyson’s award-winning cookbooks are great for those with food allergies, and cover a wide range of palates, including those with a sweet tooth and those for a craving for many different ethnic foods. We can’t say enough about the photography on her blog; this is where Allyson really has an edge. Might that be part of the “secret sauce” of why she has been featured on so many shows and magazines? Only Allyson can say, but good-looking food never hurts! She has also developed recipes for many reputable brands and corporations. Her stuff is the good stuff!
Become a fan of Allyson, and follow her social shares on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram.
Chris and Harald Walker, along with guest writer, Elina Innanen, are the vegan trio behind the blog Vegalicious. Boy, do they have a lot of vegan recipes from which to choose. More than 600 in fact! If you couldn’t tell, their mantra is variety. Many people who choose to go vegan may have difficulty staying with the lifestyle if not for a plentiful selection of recipes and whole foods from which to choose. This is where Chris and Harald really excel. They won’t leave you stranded with only a few delicious recipes; they have a ton of them, and from all over the world! Say that one night you would like Mexican food, the next Chinese, then Indian, and so on. You’ll be set with their blog. Not only do they have recipes for every meal, but they also cover meals especially for holidays. Chris and Harald grow their own organic food, too. You might get lost in this website, because it’s got more ideas than you can shake a stick at, but we’re confident you’ll like it ! And, if you want to eat what’s in season, they’ve got a seasonal cookbook, 4 Seasons Vegan, available on iTunes that you can download to your iPad or Mac computer.
Follow the crew from Vegalicious on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+ , and Flickr.
Om Nom Ally: Your Whole Health Journey, One Mouthful at a Time
Alison Murray (who goes by Ally) of Melbourne, Australia is the owner of the blog Om Nom Ally, and is a health and wellness coach and naturopath student. Apart from that, Ally also has the privilege of managing a health food store, helpings hundreds of people with allergies and food intolerances get nursed back to good health. Using her blog as a tool, Ally marries her talent for coaching with her passion for natural remedies and real food recipes to make accessible to everyone meals that are simple, delicious, and economical. We think you’ll appreciate the fact that Ally keeps things real; she doesn’t pretend to be what she is not. She actually doesn’t claim to be vegetarian, vegan, paleo, or gluten-free. Her virtue and philosophy is to simply JERF (Just Eat Real Food).
You’ll find and be able to follow Ally on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+, and Instagram.
Happy Herbivore Blog: LIVE BETTER.
Lindsay Nixon has written 5 cookbooks and a Guide to Plant-Based Living to boot, which covers the transition of men, women, children, athletes, and even pets as they transition to a plant-based diet. Her blog is called Happy Herbivore Blog, and you’ll find that the recipes that she shares there (and in her cookbooks) don’t include oils or any added fats. One of the bright spots on Happy Herbivore Blog is that you’ll find Lindsay isn’t judgmental. You can be an herbivore, omnivore, or whatever you want to be, and she’s not going to be thumbing her nose at you. So fear not, her compassion extends cross species . Another highlight and uniqueness that Lindsay offers is her “Herbie of the Week”, where she spotlights someone who has undergone a life transformation as a result of going on a plant-based diet. Lindsay is also the CEO of Meal Mentor, which has helped over 28,000 people eat healthy – stress-free!
Keep up with Lindsay and Happy Herbivore on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram.
Ordinary Vegan: add love and compassion to your life with plant-based cooking
Nancy Montuori is a certified plant-based nutritionist (Cornell University) who is the gate keeper of the blog Ordinary Vegan. Like many of us, Nancy followed what she was told and believed to be a good diet (a.k.a. the Food Pyramid), and learned for herself that it just wasn’t cutting it, but instead keeping her in a place of having high cholesterol and low energy among other things. When she switched to a plant-based diet, it made all the difference, and her health started to change dramatically for the better. Want to know how it all started with Nancy? The movie Forks Over Knives was a tipping point for her. For those who believe that becoming vegan is extreme behavior, did they ever stop to think that vegans think that open heart surgery is extreme? Watch the movie; it’s eye-opening! Most diseases can be traced straight back to our diet, and we are simply playing victim if we think that it’s all in our genes. And don’t forget – Joining Nancy’s email list will provide you with free weekly vegan recipes. For a head start, there is a section of recipes on her blog that provides a virtual cookbook-full already .
Follow along with the Ordinary Vegan’s social shares on Facebook and Twitter.
My Vegan Journal
Jacqueline Day is a woman of many achievements. It’s hard to know where to start . Having been a vegetarian since 1977 and vegan since 1987, in her heart she is a teacher, and it seems everything just blossomed from there. Jackie has never been one to sit on her laurels, but is instead a very ambitious activist, helping to achieve a mandate for the choice of vegan meals in all Los Angeles Unified School District schools. Jackie has also been the subject of a PBS documentary titled Tipping the Scale. If you’re not vegan, you may wonder what vegans eat. Perhaps you think there is a very limited menu from which to choose. Not so, according to Jackie (and many other vegans who know the truth of it). Besides sharing great vegan recipes on her blog, My Vegan Journal, she also does what all good teachers do – educate. And, she reminds us that although there are those that aren’t on board with the vegan lifestyle, there certainly are good things happening.
Jackie has more great things to share with you on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.
Red Hot Vegans
Marie and Daniel take on Austin, Texas with the blog Red Hot Vegans. The couple tries and reviews all the local vegan restaurants, vegan grocery stores, vegan food trailers, and even offer vegan news bites and report on vegan events! This blog is a fun read, and should make any vegan jealous who doesn’t have a local reviewer blogging about all things vegan in their city or township. Are you traveling in or around Austin, and aren’t sure what you’d like for breakfast, lunch, or dinner? Here Marie and Daniel have put together a Top 20 Guide for their favorite places and entrees. Get a load of that!
Keep in the know with the Red Hot Vegans on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.
Eco-Vegan Gal: Healthy Living for Your Body & The Planet
Whitney Lauritsen of Eco-Vegan Gal combines the best that veganism has to offer with the best in sustainability. Her site is a smorgasbord of discussion topics having to do with food, fitness, home, travel, beauty and fashion, family, and animals. She leaves no stone unturned in making certain she covers the whole gamut (the whole vegan enchilada, as it were ) of lifestyle choices one would make who is concerned with a cleaner, more sustainable environment and a healthier body. Whitney has a charming and infectiously positive personality that communicates her zest for life in everything that she does. Her website isn’t relegated to the physical; she covers the mental/emotional/spiritual aspects as well. For her work, Whitney has garnered many well-deserved accolades in the media. Her eBook, Healthy Organic Vegan on a Budget, takes a unique approach to healthy eating, helping you to realize that doing so doesn’t need to cost you an arm and a leg (she shows you how to shop smart and inexpensively; yes it can be done with organic produce
Become more inspired and empowered – you have the great opportunity of achieving these goals by following the Eco-Vegan Gal on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+Tumblr, YouTube, and Instagram.
Don’t Fear the Vegan
Steffi DeRobertis of Don’t Fear the Vegan’s mission is to help people who aren’t as acquainted with the vegan lifestyle to at least give a vegan dish a try. It won’t hurt; in fact it’s good for you! Many vegans are all too familiar with those with more carnivorous habits behavior as it relates to blank stares or even contempt when it comes to trying a dish that isn’t their common fare. Steffi also realizes that we’re creatures of comfort, so what she further does to stave off anxieties of trying vegan dishes is to mimic the texture and taste of favorite foods that aren’t so compassionate. In this way, she can win over more hearts and minds . Keep Steffi’s list of always-have-on-hand ingredients in your kitchen so you’re ready to bust out a great vegan dish whenever the urge hits! And, check it out, DFV is now on TV! Here’s the first episode. Steffi’s family also has an awesome pig named Princess Astrid Porkbelly.
Don’t Fear the Vegan is on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
For those of you who think that it would be next to impossible for you to change your bad eating habits, i.e., processed foods, sweets, soda, etc., Cara Reed of is proof that you’re wrong. Cara had all the classical symptoms that her diet was doing her in, with all of the telltale digestive complaints that those on the S.A.D. (Standard American Diet) track often complain of. Slowly but surely, Cara changed her relationship with food, and transitioned to a plant-based diet. Having never felt better about herself and her new way of living, she now uses her blog (and her cookbook) to show and tell to others that eating doesn’t have to be drudgery – that you can eat an ample supply of truly delectable foods and still maintain good health. Cara demonstrates that gluten-, dairy-, and egg-free cooking is delish!
Check out Fork & Beans’ popular social channels on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+, and Instagram.
Style Revivalist: bringing consciousness back into style
Hailing from South Africa, Lyn Cowie runs the blog Style Revivalist. Lyn’s blog is not exclusively about food, either. It’s quite well-rounded, cover the full gamut of a vegan lifestyle from food to travel to fashion to fitness to parenting! Lyn even does book reviews and now giveaways, too. So, if you’re looking for a vegan blogger to follow that covers the vegan lifestyle from all angles, we think Lyn’s will be just the one for you. Packed with great insights and a fun vibrant personality, you’ll easily see why her being vegan has become her VA-VA-VOOM! and why she’s elected to become a certified vegan lifestyle coach and educator to inspire others wishing to be vegan in style.
To keep up with all the fun on Style Revivalist’s social fronts, join up on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+, and YouTube.
My Kind of Life: inspiration for kind people
Emily Nolan of My Kind of Life wasn’t always the person that she is today. She spent the better part of 10 years with eating disorders and 15+ years feeling alone, despite being a model and having a good amount of success in her life. More than just a blog about veganism, Emily shares body empowerment with other women who have similar reservations about their bodies as Emily had in the past. Emily travels around the world hosting Topless workshops (don’t worry, nothing salacious here ), where she encourages women to feel comfortable in their own skin and to instill in them a self-confident attitude that they are perfect the way they are no matter if they have flabby tummies, scars, or what have you. To get a “Behind the Scenes” feel for Emily’s kind and fun personality, have a watch of My Kind of Life’s 2014 campaign shoot here.
Kind people everywhere unite on Emily’s Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram social properties.
Solveig Berg Vollan, a young woman from Norway, blogs on Gluten Free Vegan Girl. Solveig first made the choice to become vegetarian at around age 8, due her deep love of animals. Since then, she has converted to full-blown veganism, having come to the realization that consuming any animal products is contributing to the meat industry, as well as desiring to eat as many nutrient-rich foods as possible and to have a low-impact on the environment. Her blog was first a place to record for herself the vegan recipes she had discovered, but after a friend convinced her to share, she made the decision to open it to the public. And, thousands upon thousands of people are thankful for that decision to do so as evidenced by her wide following. Solveig’s blog boasts a very clean and attractive layout, with extremely attractive images of her dietary creations. All of her goodies look so inviting. She even gives you a sneak peak of her vegan pantry and her grocery list.
Gluten Free Vegan Girl gets lots of interaction on Facebook, Pinterest, Google+, and Instagram.
Brand New Vegan
Chuck Underwood is the Brand New Vegan. Chuck’s journey to veganism was a fighting-and-kicking-don’t-want-to-go-there-but-I-really-need-to kind of story. His blood pressure and cholesterol were on the climb, he smoked, and he weighed more stones than he wanted to . After deciding to fully engage, Chuck made lots of changes, becoming an out-and-out, through-and-through vegan, with huge results! He’s extremely pleased with his new life, and glad that he won’t have to manage sickness, but rather bask in the longevity his life was meant to have so he can share it with his grandchildren and other loved ones. Are you interested in becoming vegan? Chuck has a beginners guide on getting started so you can avoid some of the common associated pitfalls. Didn’t know that there are even vegan doctors out there? Let Chuck clue you in on that, here. And, of course, he has lots of vegan recipes to share, too.
Tune into Chuck’s other valuable shares on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+, Instagram, and YouTube.
Rawfully Tempting
Barbara Shevkun writes on the blog Rawfully Tempting. Barbara is self-taught as it comes to the raw food life, and while she is not 100% raw, she admits that she is at least 75%-80%; the rest she doesn’t guilt herself over. Through her raw food diet she has healed many of her health challenges, and continues to work with a holistic doctor on the rest. As with many things in life, achieving a goal is easier when it’s done in a partnership, and Barbara has been blessed with a loving partner (who goes by “W”) that was willing to go down the path of a healthier diet with her. She lovingly credits much of her success to W coming into her life . On Barbara’s blog, you’ll find a treasure trove of RAWcipes that will keep you busy for a long time trying new concoctions. For those who question the raw food lifestyle, Barbara does a great job of laying it all out – why a raw food diet is a great choice (hint: much of it has to do with the lack of enzymes when we cook our food, but there are other reasons, too).
See what more Barbara has to offer her followers on her Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+, and Instagram accounts.
your daily vegan
KD Traegner is the founder of your daily vegan, a wonderful resource that includes a blog covering hot and sometimes controversial topics in the world of veganism, an amazing database of animal sanctuaries throughout the United States and internationally, a how-to guide on helping animals, a guide that breaks down some of the myths of protein and veganism, and even a section dedicated to some of the best vegan movies that are both educational and entertaining in nature. KD’s website and blog are here to point out that there is much more to the vegan movement than food; much, much more. KD is a fantastic advocate, truly living the ideals of veganism, herself harboring eight rescue cats and two dogs that currently live with her. KD’s blog, The Daily Vegan Spin is a thought-provoking read and well worth the time to become acquainted with. As a regular reader, sooner or later you’ll likely come across a piece with an angle that you hadn’t considered as deeply before.
For more compassion from your daily vegan, follow along on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram.
THE VEGAN CREW: a journey of compassion
Bobbie Crew is the owner and writer for The Vegan Crew, a blog covering not only a whole host of delicious vegan recipes, but also a healthy dose of reviews covering everything from books to cookbooks to videos and documentaries on veganism to restaurants, and much, much more. If you’re traveling (or live in a particular neck of the woods that this section covers), you’ll want to first check out the Places section of Bobbie’s blog to get the scoop on some of the best vegan establishments to eat at. One of the highlights of The Vegan Crewblog is the very talented photography of all of the delicious foods presented there. Everything on Bobbie’s blog is portrayed so attractively, making you want to hastily abort your reading, and dive right into the making the recipe already part ! Don’t forget to visit this page on the blog about defining veganism. It gives a nice rendition of veganism beyond the restrictive aspect.
Get some further samplings from The Vegan Crew on Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram.
This Rawsome Vegan Life
Emily von Euw is a student of History at Simon Fraser University in Canada, and runs the blog This Rawsome Vegan Life. Her posts are full of energy and enthusiasm. Em, as she likes to be called, has an emphasis on a raw food, high-carb intake, and low-fat intake diet. To learn more about what she eats and why she eats it (and how to find your own balance as well), see the My Diet page of Em’s blog. Em already has two cookbooks to her name! One is titled Rawsome Vegan Baking and the other titled 100 Best Juices, Smoothies and Healthy Snacks; you can learn more about these gems and where to get them on this page of her blog. She’s big into smoothies and juices, and has lots of recipes for you to try on your own to get your body’s own juices flowing in about 15 minutes . Em gets lots of interaction and feedback from her readers!
You’ll enjoy being part of This Rawsome Vegan Life’s community as Em shares her happy, inspired life on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Tumblr, YouTube, and Instagram.
vegan miam
Rika and Doni are the partnership that runs the blog vegan miam (miam is a French word meaning “yummy”). Beyond scrumptious recipes, this blog has a unique advantage of having two people with a wanderlust, traveling far and wide, discovering new eats and treats along the way. In fact, their journeys take them awayfrom home (Oregon) as much as possible. Look at their travel schedule, and try not to get a little bit green with envy . While Rika hones her skills of creating luscious meals and snacks, Doni chronicles their adventures photographically. vegan miam even reviews the veganicity (not a real word, but a fun one nonetheless
) of various airlines and lounges, as well as hotels and resorts. Hey, it’s a tough job, but someone’s got to do it. All kidding aside, the reason they can perpetually do it, is because they do it so well! This blog and it’s food are some eye candy; you’ll love reading and ogling over it
Hungry for more? Follow vegan miam on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+, and Instagram.
By Any Greens Necessary
Tracye McQuirter of By Any Greens Necessary has quite an impressive resume. Tracye is credited with directing the first federally funded vegan nutrition program, the Vegetarian Society of DC Eat Smart Program, where she taught low-income DC residents the virtues of plant-based meals and how to shop for and prepare healthy vegan meals. Tracye has also been covered extensively by the press. The teacher in Tracye (she’s been teaching for over 25 years) motivates her to continually educate, and she holds a boot camp teleseminar on the fundamentals of plant-based nutrition. Tracye lovingly considers and addresses the valued readers of her blog as “family”. Her book, By Any Greens Necessary, is a national bestseller, and is available on Of the nearly 3 million African Americans that are either vegan or vegetarian, it’s very likely that Tracye played a part in their individual transitions to this lifestyle .
Tracye maintains a loyal following on Facebook and Twitter.
Kortney Campbell and Katie Charos are the fun-loving team that makes up Vegan Housewives. On their blog, you’ll find vegan main courses and treats, gluten-free recipes, and even cruelty-free fashion and beauty tips. If you are into a little DIY around the house, you can find that here, too. In fact, a Vegan Housewives favorite read is this post on creating your own coconut oil face scrub. For those looking for new vegan products to check out, Kortney and Katie do reviews, too. Lest you think they’ve left anything out, fear not, they cover vegan kids material as well . In addition, to round it all out, they discuss everyday life. One of the great attributes of Vegan Housewives is that it attracts many voices in the form of guest contributors, so you can get a feel for all kinds of different viewpoints from interesting people.
Join the party with Vegan Housewives on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+, Instagram, and YouTube!
hell yeah it’s vegan!: a vegan recipe blog
Claryn of hell yeah it’s vegan! blogs to break down the stereotypes of veganism, helping the populace realize that being vegan doesn’t mean you’re an alien . Seriously, vegans have been stereotyped, and too many people believe that vegans are severely restricted and don’t have a lot of choices when it comes to what they put on their plate and into their mouth. But, that just is not the case, and Claryn points out on her blog that most foods can be made vegan! One of the really neat features of Claryn’s blog (besides all of the wonderful recipes), is that she has it set up such that her readers can review her recipes – an excellent concept! Getting feedback from unbiased sources who have tried the recipes makes it even that much more tempting to try the recipes yourself. It goes without saying that most of the reviews she gets on her recipes are great, so no need to hesitate when putting together some of this yumminess yourself
Want to discover more of what Claryn is sharing on her social networks? If the answer is hell yeah!, she can be found on Facebook and Twitter :-).
Gail Davis is an author, speaker, and certified health coach. She is also the Chief Inspirator of the blog Hungry Vegan. It has been her mission for several decades now to help others realize that making the transition to vegan can actually be an overnight switch. Having been vegan for so many years, Gail has seen the evolution of veganism. It’s now easier than ever! Her book, Vegetarian Food for Thought: Quotations and Inspirations, is a compilations of some of the most brilliant minds in history. The argument for being vegan is as logical as it is compassionate. But, whatever your reason for being vegan, it’s likely a good one, and there can be many of them. Hungry? Dive into this blog, and as an added bonus Gail includes reviews and giveaways!
For the wisdom and knowledge of years of experience, follow the Hungry Vegan on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram.
Jackie Sobon pens her thoughts and recipes on Vegan Yack Attack. In case you should wonder how the blog got its name, like many nicknames, hers morphed over time into what it is today . Jacqueline, Jackie, or Yack (Attack), got on the path of veganism after studying the chemicals that are found in foods and other consumer goods, the travesties of factory farming, and for reasons of sustainability. Her blog is full of all kinds of recipes (including raw), and the photography is just gorgeous! Jackie is also a bit of a beer connoisseur, as you see in this section of her blog, and you’ll enjoy perusing the reviews (and giveaways) section of her blog to give you lots more ideas.
For more pertinent vegan updates from the Vegan Yack Attack, follow Jackie on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+, Instagram, YouTube, and Flickr.
FROM A to Vegan: Covering Everything From A to Vegan
From A to Vegan is a team effort with the members being (in the order pictured above) Lydia Grossov, Chris Lucas, James Lucas, and Mauro Reis. They come from a variety of backgrounds, but all share a passion for the vegan lifestyle. While From A to Vegan is about food, it’s surely much more than that. The foursome conduct interviews with representatives of compassionate organizations, vegan restaurateurs, and other likeminded vegans and bloggers. They also focus on the vegan lifestyle, including animal rights, which is an important part of what they are all about. If you are soul searching, and looking for a path for a long-term commitment, you need to read about why these great folks have gone vegan, and learn more about the virtues of veganism. Tune into their instructional videos as well for a hands-on approach of putting together some of their delicious recipes. It’s a nice touch, too, to become more acquainted with them . There’s much more to their blog, but that’s for you to discover!
You’ll also enjoy keeping up with their journey on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and YouTube.
Kathy Patalsky is the author of two vegan cookbooks, 365 Vegan Smoothies and Healthy Happy Vegan Kitchen, and blogs on Healthy. Happy. Life. and founded Finding Vegan as well. Kathy started a children’s brand to help them foster a love for healthy foods, which eventually branched into her becoming impassioned with spreading her influence further and becoming a power blogger. Her other site, Finding Vegan, helps you better understand the kind of person Kathy is (it’s not all about her); it’s based on the fantastic original concept of allowing her fellow vegan blogger cohorts to post their own vegan recipes in a virtual photo gallery format, giving them a chance to get exposure for their individual contributions to the vegan lifestyle. We think you’ll enjoy the infectious joy that Kathy spreads from reading her work and watching her videos – as you become acquainted with her, you’ll come to understand the Happy part in her blog along with her welcoming, unpretentious demeanor .
For more healthy and happy shares via Healthy. Happy. Life., follow along on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, YouTube, and Instagram.
FatFree Vegan Kitchen: Sinlessly Delicious
One of the impetuses of Susan Voisin’s Fat Free Vegan Kitchen is that eating vegan doesn’t have to be boring and bland. Another, is doing it all without the refined fats of oil, margarine, and shortening. One of the benefits that Susan has realized from being vegetarian and later fully vegan is that she became much healthier and dropped a hundred pounds. One of the neat things about Susan’s site is the variety of recipes that she has available (1,400+). She has them all neatly organized into categories, and she even has a nifty feature called a recipe box (you can learn about it here) wherein you may save all your favorite recipes from her blog in one place and access it later from any computer without having to hunt and search for it again . Susan and her blog have gotten tons of attention over the years in the form of awards and press mentions.
To join Susan’s army of loyal followers, seek her out on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+, and Instagram.
Annarasa: Essence of Food
Apu ’s blog, Annarasa Essence of Food, is stellar for those of you like us that love Indian food. Did we mention we are fans of Indian food ? The spices make this ethnic food so savory! Visit Apu’s recipe keyword index to drill down to exactly what you are looking for in terms of recipes by main ingredient, by fruit, by ethnic selection, by region in India, by course, by category and type, and by season. If you’re looking for something that you can make in 15 minutes or less, see this section of her blog. And don’t miss the sweets, such as this one. One of the highlights of Apu’s blog is her occasional Daring Baker’s Challenges, hosted by someone new each time. If you’ve got the time and the initiative, these recipes are well worth navigating.
Follow the path of Apu’s sweet-smelling aromas on Facebook and Twitter.
The Comforting Vegan
A blessing in disguise, Amy Krell doesn’t have the enzymes in her body to break down animal products, which fortunately led her to the vegan lifestyle. Amy has had lots of ups and downs with her health, having brushes with death on a few different occasions, but as they say, what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger . Healthy foods and veganizing (no, it’s not a real word, but it’s in the Urban Dictionary
) non-vegan foods has been Amy’s comfort, thus the title of her blog, The Comforting Vegan. Amy loves to take on and conquer challenges, especially as it comes to turning a non-vegan dish into a vegan one. If you ask her nicely, she might just work her magic on a request and send you a newly-transformed-into vegan recipe
Be part of The Comforting Vegan’s community on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+, and Instagram.
Vegie Head: Feed the Soul; Taste the Love
In the words of Adele McConnell (from her blog, Vegie Head): “I’m here to rock your World, and to change the way you see plant based food forever.” That’s a pretty tall order to non-vegans, you might think, but if you give this ambitious Australian a chance, you’ll be surprised what comes of it . She has an assortment of plant-based recipe eBooks for you to check out. She is an impassioned educator. Adele even has the first of its kind plant-based online cooking course, called the Vegie Head Academy. Her blog and everything that it’s comprised of is gorgeous; it won the Vegan Blog of the Year Award in 2012. Beyond vegan, Adele is here to help you live life abundantly, and bask in its beauty. We think she’s doing a great job at it, and we’re confident you’ll get a lot out of her blog as well
To be a part of the wonderment that is Vegie Head, be part of Adele’s world on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+, and Instagram.
GREEN VEGAN LIVING: living each day to the greenest, cooking gluten-free and vegan along the way.
Geanna Marek of Green Vegan Living ran a gluten-free vegan bakery for a couple of years before making the transition to her current pursuit of studying to become a dietician. Her style of veganism is mostly unprocessed (and of course, gluten-free), and she also strives to buy locally, in season, and organic as much as possible. On Green Vegan Living, you’ll find a well-organized section of recipes that are categorized according to mealtime. Geanna also contributes recipes and reports on various food-related sites. She’s well-connected to other vegan blogs, and more than willing to share and review on her blog the goodies she finds elsewhere, as well as her own yummy vittles. She conducts reviews, shares peaks into personal goings-on, and relates travel insights and new vegan restaurants that she’s tried.
Come see what Green Living Vegan is sharing on Pinterest!
veganlovlie: Relishing plant-based fusion-Mauritian cuisine… with a penchant for all things crafty and lovely.
Teenuja Dahari is a native Mauritian, and you will find on her blog, veganlovlie, a fusion of recipes depicting her Mauritian roots, coupled with all of the amazing countries she has lived in. Her reason for being vegan has evolved, and is currently because it is what comes effortlessly and naturally to her. In addition to the sharing of her recipes on the blog, her artistic personality also leads her to a hobby of cruelty-free creation of crafts, water colors, handmade jewelry, and crochet, all of which she blogs about as well. A nice extra that Teenuja rewards you with (and does a delightful job of) is to provide you with access to Lovlie TV!, featuring her charming, gentle demeanor as she trains you in her particular fashion of culinary artistry .
For more lovely shares, please join veganlovlie’s cocoon of loyal followers on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, YouTube, Google+, and Instagram.
essential vegan: Compassionate Food
Vanessa Almeida is the Brazilian-born, London-based vegan chef that owns the vegan blog-turned-website, essential vegan. Vanessa has a vegan cookbook that she released in 2012, which when purchased, a portion of the proceeds goes toward the non-profit organization, Animal Equality. She even has a course on vegan cooking that she offers (for those residing in the UK), wherein you get to pick 3 recipes from her site, and she conducts a hands-on class for a group of people in your own kitchen. The recipes on her website are presented in an appealing manner, with a very clean and easy-to-read, easy-to-follow format. So you are aware of what is in the products you buy and the foods you eat, Vanessa provides a super helpful glossary of animal ingredients on her website, here.
Take the time to check in often with essential vegan on Facebook and Twitter.
John and Jill Wiseman founded the website and accompanying blog Vegan Cuts. The website relies upon their talented team, masters of curation, to come up with the best of vegan products and make them available to the public from their online shop (but only after they’ve been properly tested and vetted). Getting a subscription to their nicely-priced snack box and/or their beauty box is a perfect way to discover new vegan treats and goodies and body and skin care products that are sure to become must-haves in your vegan repertoire. The Vegan Cuts blog covers topics ranging from recipes to activism and everything in between. Vegans and would-be vegans alike will find this blog to be a second home to them, and will appreciate the wide variety of vegan categories to explore here.
Don’t be a stranger; stay abreast of the popular shares of Vegan Cuts on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, YouTube, and Instagram.
VEGAN RICHA: eating plants till we photosynthesize!
Richa Hingle of VEGAN RICHA is out to prove “that any food choice, is not about giving up something, it is about finding something better.” We think that is a wonderful way to sum up the purpose of a vegan recipe blog . Richa features over 600 gorgeous-looking and equally taste-tempting vegan recipes on her blog, and she does a fabulous job of transforming any recipe into a vegan-friendly one. A special treat you get with Richa is that because she was born and raised in India, she lets you in on some of their “secret” ingredients, to be found here. Knowing how to use them all is another story, but if you stick around long enough and perhaps pick up Vegan Richa’s Indian Kitchen cookbook (the first and only vegan Indian food cookbook) , you’ll be further along the path to becoming an accomplished vegan Indian food chef. Richa has received lots of media coverage and mentions for her wonderful talents. She’s also very involved as a dog rescue foster parent.
Join the crowds of people who love Vegan Richa’s shares on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+, and Instagram.
Sarah McMinn authors My Darling Vegan, a blog inspired by her darling daughter, Eden. Formerly called The Sweet Life, My Darling Vegan aims to make eating vegan easy, fun, and accessible. Sarah went vegan in 2006 for the rights of animals. But that’s only one part of the equation. She also does it for the benefit of the environment. And lastly, Sarah is vegan because of the impact is has on her health and the health of her family. Taking her 3-part philosophy to its logical end, Sarah shares some seriously delectable recipes. Her blog also delves into family vegan issues as well, a unique difference from most of the vegan blog material on the Internet. Take a peek at Sarah’s picks for some of the best vegan resources as well.
Stay on top of the latest from My Darling Vegan on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram.
ANDREA’S EASY VEGAN COOKING: recipes, reviews, recollections
Andrea Zeichner of ANDREA’S EASY VEGAN COOKING had been vegetarian for several years before making the leap to veganism. Her health and that of her baby was the tipping point. Even the slightest amount of dairy caused her and her child big problems. In order of importance to her in making the choice to become vegan, though, was first, being cruelty-free, second, environmental concerns, and third, health. In addition to the wonderful assortment of great recipes that Andrea shares on her blog, she’s done a fabulous job cultivating a review section, which covers various products, restaurants, books/cookbooks, and shops and markets. Andrea isn’t a conventionalist in the sense of her recipes always being the same. A fun fact about her that you might not believe (but it’s true) is that when she first got married, she didn’t know how to cook, and at the farmers market, she had to ask what the vegetables were (at that point in time, she had mostly consumed canned or frozen veggies). She’s light years ahead of that now, but it just goes to show that we all have to start somewhere, and there is hope for the rest of us .
Following Andrea on Twitter, you won’t get a fire hose blast of tweets, just the important stuff
THE HEALTHY VOYAGER: Life is a Voyage, Live it Well!
Carolyn Scott-Hamilton of The Healthy Voyager makes being vegan FUN! Her infectious personality goes a long way in introducing and making appealing the message of veganism. Her well-branded HealthyVoyagerTV series is a great watch, the only drawback being that you don’t get to be with her on all of the fantastic voyages she goes on and all of the great places she stops and eats at . Carolyn is a holistic nutritionist and accomplished vegan chef. If you’ve ever considered a wellness coach, Carolyn is the perfect person to engage with, one of her services being just that. You will appreciate her positive radiance and motivational, realistic goal-setting approach. Carolyn has been covered by the press extensively. Her blog is an extension of herself – it covers just about everything good that life has to offer, it’s so multidimensional!
To keep in the loop of The Healthy Voyager’s updates, join up with Carolyn on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, YouTube, Google+, and Instagram.
the veggie nook: I’ll get you loving your veggies
Gabby Ouimet is a Canadian Millenial practicing the vegan lifestyle and recording her thoughts and recipes in her corner of the world on her blog, the veggie nook. Like many vegans, Gabby began her journey towards a cruelty-free diet first as a vegetarian and then later became vegan as her conscience led her gently further along her chosen path. Gabby’s outlook has also changed over the years as it pertains to eating and exercise. Whereas before she may have eaten more for the taste of food, and exercised because she felt she had to, she is now eating more so to nourish her body, and exercising because it makes her feel good. Gabby does a good job of labeling the recipes she shares on her site, delineating whether each is gluten-free, no bake, raw, or paleo, so you can easily decide upon a recipe based on your chosen criteria. She also takes time to discuss health and wellness topics, from a physical perspective as well as a mindful one. Want to know what foods and ingredients you’ll typically find in Gabby’s kitchen? It’s all here.
Keep in touch with the veggie nook on Facebook, Pinterest, and Google+, and Instagram.
the vegan chickpea
Those suffering from wheat- and other grain-based allergies should be enthralled with the content of Caitlin McGrother’s blog, the vegan chickpea, where she only shares gluten-free vegan recipes! Pouring over her recipe posts is sure to make you hungry, as she has a great talent for photography with just the right lighting . Her recipes have won her quite the fan base, as she gets a lot of great interaction and compliments on each of her posts. In addition to sharing vegan recipes, Caitlin does a fantastic and thorough job of reviewing cruelty-free beauty products with some vegan fashion sprinkled in. Caitlin’s influence isn’t limited to just her own blog, though, you’ll find her lots of other places too, where she covers as much ground as possible as she shares her talents far and wide.
Keep up with the vegan chickpea’s new doings and findings on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram.
oh my veggies: meatless made easy
Teetering between vegetarian and vegan? Kiersten Frase’s blog, oh my veggies, is just for you! Kiersten is surrounded by a group of wonderful contributors and other support staff, who together have made their website and blog one of the most popular vegetarian/vegan destinations on the Internet today. Bursting with an assortment of colorful recipes, there’s also a section called “what i ate this week”, that will hopefully inspire you to plan out your own healthy meals in advance, so you can take in all of the nutrition-packed goodness available in a vegetarian or vegan diet. The tips & hints section of the site is jam packed with awesome how-to’s, guides on individual vegetables, discussion of specific ingredients, and more. Besides all of the above, the ladies of oh my veggies offer an e-cookbook with recipes that are specifically for preparing, freezing, and re-heating to use later.
Join the all-told half a million or more Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest followers of oh my veggies.
Annie Oliverio’s AN UNREFINED VEGAN has the noble goal of only sharing recipes with ingredients that are as whole and unprocessed as possible, without white flour and white sugar. Annie also has a cookbook called Crave, Eat, Heal sold on Amazon that aims to please every craving and appetite in a healthful way. Her blog’s recipes are presented in a photo gallery format for easy access and for the ability to envision what the end product will be if you can put the ingredients together as expertly as Annie does . It doesn’t hurt that she has a trained eye and has worked very hard to hone her photography skills, having done the photography for some pretty great vegan cookbooks. If you’re seeking a list of vital vegan ingredients all in one place, Annie has it right here, complete with product images. What’s more, if you’re concerned with substitutions for fats, oils, dairy, and such, she also offers a great section on that as well.
Be the first one of your friends to forward shares from AN UNREFINED VEGAN’s Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+, and Instagram social networks.
Elisabeth Baldwin of MORE. has a really neat philosophy and outlook on being vegan. Whereas from the outside looking in, many omnivores may have the perspective that veganism is restrictive and limiting, Elisabeth feels that it is just the opposite. In fact, for her being vegan is MORE of everything – more freedom (you don’t have to count calories, yay! ), more fun because food doesn’t control you, more variety because meat and dairy are pretty boring staples in a diet, more flavor because you can actually taste a variety of different ingredients without them being covered up by cheese, more impact because it’s green and great for the environment, and more love because you’re eliminating cruelty to animals. Now that you have a feel for Elisabeth’s excellent take on being vegan, check out her awesome blog where she puts it all into practice. And by the way, don’t be scared off, she was once a meat-eater too, and she understands where you’re coming from. It’s just that she found a better way
Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest are where you’ll find MORE. of the goodness of being vegan.
Connoisseurus VEG
Alissa Saenz of Connoisseurus VEG has most people beat in terms of how long she has been vegetarian or vegan – she’s been vegetarian since the age of 13! You’ll find that most of the recipes on her blog are actually vegan, though, because that is what works best for her body. Although Alissa admits to being a little bit on the shy side, she boasts that she can veganize anything to make it taste better than any animal-based version, and we believe her . Besides blogging and sharing her recipes on Connoisseurus VEG, she’s one of the contributors we mentioned earlier that is a part of team on Oh My Veggies vegetarian/vegan blog. If you’re looking for a good starting point as you make your way around Alissa’s blog, she’s curated her “best of’s” right here.
For a shy lady, Alissa of Connoisseurus VEG sure has a lot of fans that admire what she says and does on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Google+
the vegan r.d.: thoughts on being vegan from a dietitian’s perspective
Ginny Kisch Messina, MPH, RD runs the blog the vegan r.d., a rich informational resource that differs from many vegan blogs in the sense that it goes beyond the sharing of recipes and delves deeper into many of the educational aspects of veganism – the why’s and the wherefore’s. While Ginny has an impressive resume, and she seems to be so busy that the MPH behind her name might indicate that she’s always going a million miles per hour, it really means that she has a Master’s Degree in Public Health (she is also a Registered Dietitian). One of Ginny’s main goals is to help and inspire others to make the transition to a vegan diet and lifestyle, and to that end she has authored 3 vegan books – Vegan for Life, Vegan for Her, and Never too Late to Go Vegan. Ginny has a great slide presentation available on her blog where she presents The 7 Habits of Happy, Healthy Vegans.
For more help and advice from a very experienced vegan and nutrition instructor, follow The Vegan R.D. on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.
Kristy Turner of KEEPIN’ IT KIND, used to say, “I could never be vegan.” Now she is one , and has a cookbook called But I Could Never Go Vegan! So much for what we think we can and can’t do. Most times we don’t know until we try. A self- and Grandma-taught cook, Kristy is furthering her vegan diet towards gluten-free as well, on account of a thyroid condition. If you are just getting started with the switch to being vegan, check out Kristy’s Top 25 Vegan Kitchen Staples. Want to know what some of her most popular recipes are? Have a look-see at these mighty fine vittles: The Top 14 Recipes of 2014. Kristy also includes on her blog her exhilarating vegan travels and dining experiences.
To be a part of the KEEPIN’ IT KIND social sphere, join up on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+ and Instagram.
VegNews: Vegan. Think. Eat. Thrive.
VegNews is owned by VegNews Media and is an award-winning online (and in print) vegan lifestyle magazine. This is a fantastic resource for vegans, as it covers such a vast range of topics, including vegan recipes, advice, events, new vegan products, news, travel, and even politics and celebrities as they relate to veganism. It’s definitely the vegan newspaper that you’ll want to follow in order to keep in the loop on the vegan front. Did you know that IKEA is introducing vegan swedish meatballs this spring at its in-store restaurants? Were you aware that Beyonce is helping launch a vegan meal delivery service? How do you feel about that (it’s a bit controversial )? Have you heard about some of the latest studies on a vegan diet and childhood obesity? All of these topics and more are covered in the premier vegan lifestyle magazine, the VegNews.
Join the throngs of followers of VegNews on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Tumblr, YouTube, and Instagram.
*Note to the wonderful vegan bloggers: If your picture doesn’t appear next to the write-up of your blog, it’s because we didn’t receive your permission yet. If you’d like your pic there, we certainly would too, just get back in touch with us to let us know !
For each of our award winners, if you wish to place the Best Vegan Blog 2015 distinguishment upon your winning blog, you may pick it up below:

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